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Unpacking Debt and Packing Dreams

By: Morgan Ayres   “What do you want to be when you grow big?” Every time I was asked this question growing up, I would start...

Pastrami Smoked Salmon & Everything Bagels

Ingredients Everything Bagels: 9.5 oz cold water 1# Antimo Caputo ’00’ Flour 15g, plus ⅔C Brown Sugar 9 grams Kosher Salt 4g Instant Dry Yeast, or...

K-State Park Management & Conservation Associate Professor Wins Academic Leadership Award

Dr. Ryan Sharp, associate professor in the park management and conservation program at Kansas State University, was recently honored with the Benton H. Box...

Little Jerusalem

Location: Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park Type: Off Trail Hike Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Contact: Sara Kay Carrell Phone No: 620-672-2061 Time: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Other Information: Come to Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park...

Kansas Animal Health Board to Meet January 16

The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Animal Health Board will meet via conference call at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 16, 2020. This is a...

Pressure Mounts To Fix The Chronically Troubled Foster Care System In Kansas

TOPEKA, Kansas — Natalie Zarate entered state custody when she was 11 years old, removed from a physically abusive mother and placed in a group...

Analysts Tell Lawmakers That Kansas Electric Rate-Making System Favors Utilities

An independent review of Kansas’ rising electricity prices shows the current system for setting rates could use some improvements. In a lengthy report requested by state...

Stuck In The Middle

A word to wise newly married couples... if you're going to have kids have one, two or four but NEVER three. For your happiness...


A friend of mine told me about turn around twice in an email and I got a real chuckle out of it. We were...

What to do about Declining Wild Turkey Numbers in Kansas

I remember back in the 1970’s when the Ohio wildlife and parks were talking about transplanting wild turkeys in Ohio. I had 150 acres...

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