The Oak Ridge Boys Back “Where It All Began” In Independence, Kansas for 40th Anniversary Performance.


The legendary Oak Ridge Boys are set to make their way “back home” to play an historic 40- year anniversary concert in Independence, Kansas. The quintessential country music group is returning to Memorial Hall on October 31st to help celebrate Neewollah, Kansas’ largest annual celebration.

The Oak Ridge Boys first performed in Independence in 1975. The band had just been signed to a new manager, Jim Halsey, under the talent agency division of the Jim Halsey Co., which later became one of the largest talent agencies in the world.

“The first time Jim Halsey booked us in Independence was for the big Neewollah Celebration. We played on the downtown bandstand and we were told of all the great entertainers who had played on that bandstand before us,” said Duane Allen, lead singer of The Oak Ridge Boys.

The Oaks have delivered many inspiring performances in Independence, as well as around the world, but this concert is marking several milestones for the group. The band will officially be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame on October 25th, just 6 days before their 40th anniversary performance In Independence.

In addition to the group’s Hall of Fame induction, Halsey, their long time manager, is being recognized by the Neewollah Celebration. John Hamlin, Generalissimo of Neewollah, has brought Halsey back on board as Honorary Generalissimo to mark his serving as the first modern era Generalissimo in 1958.

“With the announcement of the induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame along with this being the Oaks 40th anniversary of playing in Independence, I knew I wanted The Oak Ridge Boys performing at Neewollah, where it all began. It really is going to be a special concert,” said Hamlin.

The Oak Ridge Boys are excited about the trip back to Memorial Hall and to see their hometown fans.

“It’s always like coming home to us, we look forward to seeing all of our fans, friends and adopted family members when we play Memorial Hall. It will be a big celebration for all of us.

Our country music career has been directed by Jim Halsey from the beginning, so one could easily say this is where it all began for The Oak Ridge Boys,” Allen said.

Advanced ticket sales and seating selection will be available through starting September 1 and will run through September 30. Tickets will be available to purchase at Neewollah headquarters starting October 3 or by phone at 1-877-633-9655. For more information about Neewollah visit the website about Neewollah section.


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