Green up your eating plan


Janet Hackert, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Harrison County, University of Missouri Extension

Summer is a great time to “green up” your diet by eating more fresh or cooked greens. Green leafy vegetables are in season in Missouri in the early summer and then again in the fall. This includes those most commonly seen in grocery stores like spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens or Swiss chard. The tops of many root vegetables, such as beets, turnips and rutabagas, can also be eaten as greens…

There has been some debate whether greens are more nutritious fresh or cooked…

For more information on the best ways to prepare, store and serve greens, see the full version of this article at

The Seasonal and Simple app, book or mobile website, found at, has more information on preparing greens and recipes to get you started.


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