I  remember: A rainy week-end turns sunny


By Doris Schroeder

There were a few wet sprinkles in the air as John and I got ready for the Farmer’s Market last Saturday morning. John, of course, left at 6 a.m. and I arrived around 7:30 and made a beeline to the pavilion with my plastic head gear.

Business started out slow at first but the brave customers arrived whenever there was a lull in the moisture. The lady in the booth next to ours had a whole table of interesting tiles with cute sayings and pictures on them that intrigued me and I did buy a couple of them.

The market closes around 12:30 p.m. on Saturday and around 12:15, we had a literal flood of rain. It was a good thing John had driven the van up to the edge of the cement pavilion and then loaded up our remaining products and equipment. Although there was no water in the market because the cement was a little raised.

I put on my rain cap and had John drive me to our car which was parked in the middle of the street. After all, I had to keep my hair do for Michael’s wedding on Sunday.

We hated to miss the church service on Sunday morning but as soon as my sister Carol arrived from Wichita, we loaded up the car and started on our trip to Manhattan for Mike and Samantha’s wedding.

It does seem that we are always driving with a chance of rain in the forecast and this time was no different. When we reached Manhattan, we weren’t quite sure where the Candlelight Suites were so we did what we did in the old days, we stopped at a convenience store and asked the clerk. Of course, the male clerk didn’t know and referred us to the woman assistant. She told us it was only about four blocks away and sure enough (of course!) she was right.

It was hard to miss since there was a huge tent set up on the lawn. Soon we had checked into our room and got situated. Our daughter Judy called and asked if we could come down by three for the pictures, so we quickly got ready and arrived at the tent for the pics. Judy was in charge of the wedding and Stan did whatever was needed. They did a wonderful job.

We had never been at an outdoor wedding before so we weren’t sure what to expect. The guests sat around tables and folding chairs in the tent. Of course, it was much more casual than at a church wedding. Around four, the pastor took his place up front, some music was  played as the wedding party marched in  including Ryan as best man and stood at their place in the front. Later, as the pastor started the ceremony, Mike and Samantha each read their vows. I enjoyed hearing our grandson for the writer he is. They exchanged rings and were introduced to the congregation as Mr. and Mrs.

It is amazing that it didn’t rain during all that time that it could have. A lovely meal was then served and best wishes were exchanged. The wedding cake, a mixture of chocolate and white, was superbly delicious, and of course, it was made by Kathy Girst.

Visiting around later, I met a friend of Mike and Ryan’s…Justin. He used to play football and basketball with Ryan at Buhler High and because he lived only a block or so from where we live, he was over with him sometimes. They loved it when we made the German new year cookies.

At any rate, I found out he also had a girl and was getting married in a couple weeks. I was glad for him, he was in the military several years with much of the time in Iraq. When he got out he stayed with Mike and attended K-State. That is where he met his future bride.

It does seem this is the year for getting married for many of the boys. We wish them the very best.

This afternoon we did get a call from one of our grandsons in Florida and it was so good to hear from him. He had some good news for us in that they are expecting their second child the first of the year…their first child was a happy girl they named Carleigh. That will give us four great grandchildren. Ryan and his wife Melissa have two boys: Maxwell and Maddox, who are both very special. Max is a happy little fellow and Madden seems to be a deep thinker.

Yes, as we are growing older, our children and grandchildren are multiplying…and that is the way it should be. We will continue to pray that all of them will keep God first in their lives and let him lead to whatever  is His plan for them.  We are living in traumatic times and the only way through is with the one who has all-power, and knows all things.

That is the only way to make a rainy week-end turn out sunny!

Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected]




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