High Tech Can Make Driving Safer


(NAPSI)—More than 420,000 people are injured each year in motor vehicle accidents involving distracted drivers—but technology can help reduce your risk by improving your awareness behind the wheel, no matter how old your vehicle may be.

Safe Solutions

Safe driving starts with smart decisions. The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) firmly believes safety is paramount in a moving vehicle, and a driver’s highest priority must be maintaining safe control at all times. That’s why CEA supports legislation that bans texting while driving and places strict limits on the use of electronics by novice drivers. CEA also developed the Innovating Safety campaign to help consumers and improve awareness and understanding of the broad spectrum of safety-enhancing technologies available today.

Distraction Behind the Wheel

All kinds of things can distract you when you’re driving—using your phone, daydreaming, talking to your passengers or paying attention to anything other than the road ahead. Statistically speaking, newer drivers are over-represented in fatality and injury crash statistics, and studies have found that teens are more prone to dangerous distractions while driving.

Innovation Can Improve Drive Safety

For parents wondering what they can do to improve their teenagers’ driving habits, there are all kinds of products available to help. Some products limit cell phone usage and texting abilities and create incentives for good driving behavior. Other devices connect you to your car, even when you’re not in it, letting parents access information on their teens’ driving habits, set “safety zones” and monitor vehicle location.

More advanced driver-monitoring solutions track the driver’s eye movements and whether the driver’s hands are on the wheel. This technology can then initiate corrective action when the driver’s behavior appears to match that of a distracted person. Other high-tech safety products include blind spot indicators, backup cameras and crash avoidance systems that help drivers increase their awareness of other cars, pedestrians and dangerous obstructions. Additionally, voice-activated GPS navigational systems enhance situational awareness.

New-Car Tech For Your Old-Tech Car

The primary vehicles for most American drivers are more than 11 years old. Fortunately, many technology companies are developing a broad range of aftermarket devices that can be installed seamlessly in most cars to enhance the safety.

For expert advice on solutions and installation for your vehicle, look for retailers whose installers carry the CEA Mobile Electronics Certified Professionals (MECP) certification. There are more than 3,500 MECP installers in the U.S. These experts have the training to ensure you pick the right solution and the skill to install it correctly.

After all, smart driving starts with smart decisions.

Learn More

Discover more safe solutions and find out how to get involved in this issue at www.CE.org/InnovatingSafety.


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