Enroll Land in Walk-in Hunting Access Program Through July 15


credit- KDWPT

PRATT– Landowners interested in sharing the joys of hunting with others, and receiving additional income, are encouraged to enroll in the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s Walk-In Hunting Access (WIHA) program. Enrollment for the fall season is currently open and will close July 15. LandenrolledinWIHA still remains in private ownership and payment rates are often negotiable based on the number of acres, quality of habitat, and length of the lease access period. Landowners interested in enrolling can learn more by visiting ksoutdoors.com, or by calling (620) 672-5911.

Land used for the WIHA program is typically Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres, but land with similar qualities and hunting opportunities, such as native rangeland, weedy wheat stubble, milo stubble, riparian areas, and wetland areas are also considered for enrollment.



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