I remember: Our trip to Abilene (2)


By Doris Schroeder

It was early morning on April 2 that hubby and I started out for Abilene. The sun was barely beginning to brighten the dawn as we sped along Highway 61 on our way to Highway 70 on the other side of Salina. The weather forecast was possible rain and maybe storms and the clouds in the sky teased  our contemplation as we cruised along the Kansas roadway. We both were quietly praying it wouldn’t hail.

I was supposed to speak at the Abilene Christian Women’s Club at the Elks Club at 9:30 pm, and I, as usual, had allowed more than enough time, just to make sure, so we drove around the little city for awhile. Finally it was time and both hubby and I went in. There were women and more women entering and soon they had filled the whole banquet room. John and I were placed at the head table and they seated the special feature lady next to me.

She was a very amiable Amish lady named Shasta and I enjoyed visiting with her very much. When the program began, a lovely lady sang a solo, later there was a girl’s trio that sounded beautiful, followed by Shasta telling about her family’s new business, a family eatery named The Buggy Shop. She told a little about their life-style and how she and her husband had decided they wanted the simple life in Enterprise, are raising six children and also home-schooling them. They started a little eating place in Enterprise and are open on certain days so they can do things that are needed with the family. They are open from Wednesday to Saturday 11-1:30 for lunch, Wednesday & Friday for supper: 5 -7:30. Their phone number is 785-200-6385.

When it was time for me to speak, I enjoyed giving my testimony to the ladies very much. They were so responsive…and it was totally refreshing. Later, as I shook hands with the ladies as they came out, John and I marveled at how much they were involved with the Lord’s work. Some helped girls who had lived through traumatic times, others the elderly, one 94-year-old was a member of my favorite Kansas Authors Club…on and on it went.  In fact, it felt like a totally fun day.

Shasta invited us for lunch at the Enterprise “The Buggy Shop,” and I was thrilled. We followed her out of Abilene for about six miles to the little town of Enterprise and we followed her to the eating place. Her whole family was waiting on the inside to welcome us. They took our order and we sat down at one of the four big family-sized tables. As we waited other people of the town came in, some to our table and some to the others.  We enjoyed our delicious food as we chatted with the others and it felt like we were one big family. We could choose from four different home-baked breads, six different meat options, six different desserts, and choice of five sides.

The children brought our food to us as we visited with those at our table. I had the best sandwich made with Amish peanut butter (recipe to follow.)

What a way for the townspeople to get to know each other!

Later, John and I wended our way back to Abilene and then, one more stop…The Russell Stover Candy Factory! As hubby was paying for his “no-sugar” candy, I sat down at a table to enjoy an ice cream cone and contemplated their set-up. Soon other people came by to chat and between us, we solved all the world’s problems. But of course, you realize I am joking, what then, would we talk about?

As we made our way home, the sun came out and made the Kansas country-side sparkle. The storm had passed and it was a magnificent day, John and I both agreed.

We had enjoyed our day with the wonderful people of Abilene, Enterprise, and the Candy Factory. What was it that made it so special? The people had a lovely  giving spirit with many of them being truly unselfish Christians who had accepted Christ into their life. Who could ask for more?

The thought occurred to me that if our state had more of this kind of place, there would be more harmony and yes, peace within our country. We would be more open to God’s leading if we were Christians and we could all have the peace that passes understanding. What do you think?

Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected].

Buggy Shop Peanut Butter

(Taken from Amish Friends, p. 318)

2 cups brown sugar, 1 c. water, 1 tsp. maple extract, 2 c. peanut butter, 1 (16 oz.) jar marshmallow creme.

In saucepan, combine brown sugar,(make sure sugar is dissolved ) water, and maple extract and bring to a boil. Blend peanut butter and marshmallow creme. Then blend both mixtures together until smooth. Serve on bread or crackers.

Let me know how you like it!


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