Outdoors – Woman Workshop growing in popularity


PRATT — It’s common knowledge that every year more women are becoming involved in the outdoors, and nowhere is it more evident than at Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s (KDWPT) Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshops. Because of this increased popularity, the May 15-17 BOW workshop is now full, but more opportunities will be available this fall for women looking to gain outdoor skills. Staff will maintain a waiting list for the spring class in case any spots open up, but women who don’t get enrolled are encouraged to plan for the fall workshop, Sept. 18-20, 2015. Event details and registration materials will be posted on ksoutdoors.com/bow in early June.

BOW is a non-profit, non-membership program designed to teach women outdoor skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Classes are led by experienced volunteer instructors who teach a variety of topics including fishing techniques, wingshooting, camping, orienteering, rifle marksmanship, botany, archery, and more.

Studies have shown that many women do not participate in outdoor recreation because they have not had an opportunity to learn the outdoor skills that make these activities enjoyable. BOW’s popularity is evidence that when that opportunity is offered, women take advantage of it with enthusiasm and self-confidence.

To find out how you can become an outdoors-woman, visit ksoutdoors.com/bow.


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