Herbicides for Home Vegetable Gardens


Though mulches and hoeing are usually all that is needed for small vegetable gardens, homeowners with large areas may need the help of herbicides to keep ahead of the weeds. One preemergence and one postemergence herbicide can be used on home vegetable gardens.
The preemergence herbicide is trifluralin. Preemergence herbicides kill weed seeds as they germinate. They usually have no effect on weeds that have emerged. Therefore, they must be put on either before weeds come up in the spring or after weeds have been physically removed. The preemergence herbicide trifluralin is sold under the trade names of Treflan, Preen, Miracle-Gro Garden Weed Preventer, Gordon’s Garden Weed Preventer Granules and Monterey Vegetable and Ornamental Weeder.
The postemergence herbicide is sethoxydim. This product only kills grasses; broadleaves are not affected. It can be sprayed directly over the top of many vegetables. Sethoxydim is sold as Poast, Monterey Grass Getter, and Hi-Yield Grass Killer. A second postemergence herbicide called fluazifop-p-butyl is labeled for commercial growers as Fusilade, but I haven’t found vegetables listed on the homeowner labels, “Over the Top Grass Killer” and “Grass-No-More.” Also, the other homeowner products mentioned above often do not have as many vegetables on the label as the commercial products. Even among the homeowner products with the same active ingredient, there may be slight differences among labels. Check product labels to be sure the crop is listed. Here is a list of herbicides and the crops for which they are labeled. Many of these crops have application restrictions. For example, trifluralin can be used on asparagus, but must be applied before spears emerge. (Ward Upham)


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