Rabbit Resistant Flowers


Rabbits can cause a great deal of damage to plants in Kansas.
Though fencing is a very effective control, it may be too unattractive
for some uses. In such cases, using plants that are less likely to be
attractive to rabbits can be helpful. Note that these plants are
resistant; not immune to attack. Young plants or those that are
succulent due to overfertilization are more likely to be damaged.
Also, the unavailability of other food sources can result in
rabbits feeding on plants that are normally rejected. A list of flowers
considered resistant to feeding damage by rabbits include artmesia,
aster, bee balm, begonia, blanket flower, bleeding heart, candytuft,
columbine coreopsis, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daylily, ferns, gloriosa
daisy, herbs (except basil), iris, lamb’s ears, pincushion flower, red
hot poker, surprise lily, sweet violet, verbena and yarrow. This
information came from a University of Arizona publication titled “Deer
and Rabbit Resistant Plants.” Other resistant plants including trees,
shrubs, groundcovers and vines are also
listed in this publication. This publication is available at
http://tinyurl.com/y8sfgo2 (Ward Upham)


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