Celebrate Kansas port during October


MANHATTAN, Kan. – The month of October is an opportunity to highlight the 1,000 pig farms across the state that contribute more than $850 million to the Kansas economy and support more than 7,000 jobs in the state. Governor Sam Brownback recently signed a proclamation declaring October Kansas Pork Month and encouraging all Kansans to support this vital portion of the state’s agriculture industry.

“Pork Month is a great time for us to promote our pork products, and to celebrate the hard work and dedication of farmers who take pride in producing safe, wholesome pork,” Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Jackie McClaskey said.

In 2013, Kansas pork farmers sold more than three million pigs, resulting in 500 million pounds of pork to feed families in Kansas, the U.S. and around the world. These farmers have a commitment to doing what is best for their farm, their family and their community by exhibiting excellent animal care and environmental stewardship.

National Pork Month is also celebrated during the month of October.

For more information, please contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture at 785-564-6700 or visit the KDA website at agriculture.ks.gov.


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