Finding the motivation to exercise


The mind is a powerful tool we can utilize to jumpstart a new physical activity journey or any new healthy habit. Everyone has days where they struggle to find the motivation to be active and exercise. Whether you had a long day at work, are feeling overwhelmed with too many responsibilities, or think that you lack the time, many things can hinder our motivation. Adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. These numbers may seem daunting, but remember, even small doses of movement count. There are also many ways to involve the entire family in being more active together. Whether you are trying to become more active, reach new goals, or need tips to get moving on difficult days, read on to discover some simple ways to boost your motivation.

Motivation Boosters

  • Exercise with family or friends.
    Exercise can be a great opportunity to be social and bond with children, grandchildren, spouses, and friends. You can plan weekly walks with a friend or dance with your child to their favorite songs!
  • Make a specific goal and write it down.
    Tell others about your goal, so they can help you be accountable. Don’t forget to make your goal S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-oriented). You are much more likely to stick to a goal that you can easily track and has a targeted end date. Start with a small, short-term goal and work your way towards a larger, long-term goal. Think about the “why” and purpose behind your goal, which can be used as daily motivation.
  • Create a vision board.
    Create a poster with images or words about your exercise and other health goals and hang it somewhere where you will see it often to remind yourself of why you started on this journey. Your child can also participate by creating their own poster featuring their favorite activities that get them moving.
  • Set reminders and calendar alerts.
    Set reminders on your phone or work calendar throughout the day to stretch, go up and down the stairs, or take a lap around your office. When we are busy it is easy to forget the importance of movement, but remember, even five minutes counts and is beneficial!
  • Track your progress.
    There are many apps, journals, and other resources that offer great ways to track your exercise progress. When you are feeling discouraged, look back and see how much progress you have made since the beginning of your journey.
  • Reward yourself.
    When you reach a personal goal, such as attaining 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or running a 5k, you could purchase a new book or pair of workout shoes, enjoy a favorite treat, or any other reward. You can even make a sticker chart for your child and give them a sticker to place on it when they move for 60 minutes that day. When their chart is full, they can earn a reward too! Just be cautious that your reward does not hinder your progress towards future health or fitness goals.
  • Keep a fitness diary.
    Keep a personal fitness diary and write down how you feel before versus after exercise. You can also work through the emotions and feelings you have towards starting and reaching your goals. When we associate exercise with positive feelings, we are more likely to follow through.
  • Find success stories.
    Find a story about someone who was in your shoes and utilize strategies they used for success. Whether it be someone with a similar health concern or family situation, reading about another person and what strategies they utilized to succeed on their fitness journey can be very uplifting and inspiring.
  • Choose activities you enjoy.
    Exercise becomes much easier when it is something we also enjoy doing. There are endless possibilities of ways to be physically active; don’t be afraid to try something new and expand your fitness opportunities. Try new group fitness classes in your community, join a recreational league, enroll in a parent-child swimming class, or explore local trails and parks.
  • Listen to some favorites.
    Grab some headphones and listen to your favorite audiobook, podcast, or playlist. Time can go by fast when we are focused on something else!

Choose an idea from above and try to implement it into your daily life. Start with small changes and don’t forget to give yourself grace as you integrate these new strategies. Each step forward gets you closer to reaching your fitness and health goals.


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