Enjoying Moments with the Grandchildren


Lovina’s Amish Kitchen
Lovina Eitcher,
Old Order Amish
Cook, Wife &
Mother of Eight


It is 5:15 a.m. and the house is very quiet because my husband Joe and sons Benjamin and Joseph have already left for their daily jobs. 

Daughter Verena left at around 4 a.m. to go across the road to help daughter Loretta while Dustin is at work. Those two little boys (Denzel, 2, and Byron, 1) are a handful to watch and keep Verena and Loretta busy. Loretta and Dustin are trying out a new bed for them, which is a bigger crib. The boys always slept separately before, so they decided to let them sleep together. The little lads were excited about their new bed and wanted to go to bed extra early. The first night after everyone was settled for bed, Loretta heard these two little boys start tearing up with each other. Dustin was already asleep, so Loretta told them to be quiet and go to sleep. Byron thought it was a game and mouthed something back every time. Byron is a little chatterbox, and the boys think this new bed is for playtime. Gradually (maybe), these two will get adjusted to the new bed and actually sleep a while in it. Haha! 

This is only the beginning of the many adventures these two will have, I’m sure. While we were letting Byron walk from one of us to the next to get him to start walking, Denzel stood there and watched. Pretty soon Denzel started walking towards us, wobbly like he was starting to walk too. They sure are little sweeties to have around. 

Son Kevin is the only one here at home with me. He is still asleep, so all is quiet. My plan for today is sewing clothes for son Joseph and Grace’s wedding. (Oops… no I didn’t get it all done last week.) I need to wash the dishes before I start, but I thought I’d first write this column then maybe catch a few winks before I start at the sewing machine. I need to have someone look at my sewing machine. It needs a tune up. I think the thing I dislike the most about sewing is making buttonholes. Especially when the machine is giving me problems. I know if I take time, I should find the problem, but I don’t have that time right now when I have a deadline to get the clothes sewn. 

Last Friday, I went to town to the bank and to get some groceries. I hadn’t been in quite a few weeks. I came out of the store and saw three little boys with straw hats pretty much all the same size standing there. Their backs were turned towards me, but I knew right away who those three little boys were: Isaiah, Ryan, and Curtis. Then I spotted daughter Susan along with Kaitlyn and Jennifer. Son-in-law Ervin didn’t have to work that day, so they decided to bring the whole family to town to get groceries. I had to take a few minutes to hug them and hold nine-month-old Ervin Jr. When Ervin and Susan go somewhere, they often get asked if they have several sets of twins because of their blended family with all their children who are very close in age. I was leaving just as they were starting to shop, so I went and left treats for the children in their buggy for their 12-mile ride home. Susan said they were so excited, and it kept them occupied on the way home. 

Daughter Elizabeth wasn’t in church on Sunday since she was having another of her hard headaches. They really do seem like migraines. Allison, 4, came to church with her daddy Tim. She is a sweet little blue-eyed girl with blond hair and definitely favors her daddy. She came to sit beside me during the services. I asked her quietly why her mom wasn’t there. I asked if T.J. was sick. She misunderstood me and said, “No, T.J. is five,” and put her hand up to show five fingers. Haha! She was excited to tell me they brought their pony Cody and their “new” pony buggy. It isn’t new but new to them; they bought sister Emma’s pony buggy.

August 22 is sister Verena’s 58th birthday. She has many lonely days. She was sick last week but is feeling much better now. We wish her many blessings in the year ahead. 

I will share a recipe for Peach Zucchini Jam. 

God’s blessings!

Peach Zucchini Jam

2 cups peeled and chopped peaches

2 cups grated zucchini
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 cups granulated sugar

1 (3-ounce) package fruit pectin

In a large pot, combine the peaches, zucchini, and lemon juice. Cook over medium heat until the mixture starts to simmer. Gradually stir in the sugar, one cup at a time, making sure each addition is dissolved before adding the next.

Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently. Once boiling, add the fruit pectin and stir well to combine. Boil the jam for 1-2 minutes, continuing to stir constantly to prevent burning. Remove the pot from heat and let it sit for a few minutes, skimming off any foam that forms on the surface. 

Pour the hot jam into jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Wipe rims of jars with a dampened paper towel. Adjust lids and process in a boiling water canner. For canning time, check with your local extension office or the National Center for Home Food Preservation website. 

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her three cookbooks, The Cherished Table, The Essential Amish Cookbook, and Amish Family Recipes, are available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.


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