Wheat Scoop: Sorghum U / Wheat U

Kansas Wheat


For audio version, visit kswheat.com.

Take a break from the Kansas heat and join Kansas Wheat at High Plains Journal’s Sorghum U/Wheat U event on Tuesday, August 13, at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Wichita.


“Kansas Wheat looks forward to Sorghum U/Wheat U each year as an educational event designed to help producers make their operations more efficient, effective and profitable,” said Kansas Wheat CEO Justin Gilpin. “Through breakout sessions and producer panels, the event addresses current challenges and trends in technology, management practices and marketing. All attendees will head home with information they can immediately put into practice.”


The free, one-day event starts with breakfast sandwiches, coffee and a producer panel discussion featuring sorghum and wheat producers, including Kansas Association of Wheat Growers’ Vice President, Chris Tanner, from Norton.


Breakout sessions throughout the day will provide additional opportunities for producers to hear the latest in wheat research, technology and management recommendations. Dalton Henry, vice president of trade policy with U.S. Wheat Associates, will discuss changes in wheat seed technology and policy implications for global trade. Romulo Lollato, K-State Research and Extension wheat and forage specialist will provide a rundown of this year’s wheat harvest and varietal and practice considerations as Kansas farmers prepare to plant wheat this fall.


Kelsey Andersen Onofre, assistant professor of plant pathology in K-State’s College of Agriculture, will provide updates on the diseases that impacted the 2024 wheat crop. She will also discuss the need for disease management following spring and summer rains, especially the need to control volunteer wheat early and throughout the fall to prevent Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) infections in the following wheat crop.

Additional breakout sessions will cover topics specific to sorghum, including how to manage sorghum fertility to maximize profitability, the National Sorghum Producers climate-smart sustainability program and emerging markets.


During a complimentary lunch, keynote speaker Matt Hines, a licensed commodity broker and risk management consultant with Lowen & Associates, will provide a market outlook for the wheat and sorghum markets. Kansas Wheat and Kansas Grain Sorghum will also provide updates on the top issues each commodity is working to address at the regional, state and national levels.


Sorghum U/Wheat U is sponsored by High Plains Journal, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, Kansas Wheat, United Sorghum Checkoff Program, DoubleTeam Sorghum Cropping Solution, Kauffman Seed, Heartland Soil Services, Conklin AgroVantage and American AgCredit.


View the full agenda for Sorghum U/Wheat U and pre-register to reserve a free lunch at www.hpj.com/suwu/. Registrations are encouraged by Friday, July 26, to help with meal counts, but late and on-site registrations will be offered. Continuing education credits are also available for certified crop advisors.




Written by Julia Debes for Kansas Wheat


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