Five Police Horse Units In The United States

Down the Draw


Mounted Police Units aren’t as prevalent as they used to be in the United States, but they are still an important part to some cities across the nation.

Many city police equine units have downsized since 2010, while some horse units are still growing and still a very prominent part of their community’s police force.

The Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Mounted Police Unit recently installed a new facility and stables for their horses.

It is one of the most widely recognizable parts of the city’s summer festival season.

The Houston Police Department revived the Mounted Patrol in October 1984.

Funds for the new mounted unit were originally provided through a grant from the Downtown Central Business District during the tenure of Mayor Kathy Whitmire and Chief of Police Lee P. Brown.

Houston’s Mounted Patrol is part of Strategic Operations, Homeland Security Command, Special Operations Division.

The downtown business district and Hermann Park are the primary focus of Houston Mounted Patrol, but occasionally the mounted unit is given assignments to work with patrol divisions who are having a particular crime issue in a specific neighborhood.

The Birmingham, Alabama, Police Mounted Patrol, created in 1970, consists of officers on donated horses that do regular patrol, crowd control and take part in public relations assignment.

This has included representing the department in the inaugural parades for presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush,

The Anaheim, California, Police Department Mounted Enforcement Unit was started in the 1990’s.

Major responsibilities include working crowds at the Anaheim Convention Center and Supercross at Angel Stadium. They’ve also participated in charitable activities such as visiting children’s hospitals.

The unit consists of eight officers, a sergeant, lieutenant and a deputy chief, and their horses.

It is part of the Orange County Regional Mounted Unit, which consists of the seven police agencies in Orange County.

The Camden, New Jersey, Police established a new mounted unit in the early 1990’s.

When the mounted police unit was resurrected, Camden Police Captain, Raymond Massi, donated the first horse for the presentation made to the city government to support the new unit.



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