Carrot casserole

The Covered Dish


OK, I need someone to ‘stretch’ the weekends! Just not long enough to get everything completed. Today I made my first fresh pasta salad for the season. I think I made enough for 20 people, which is the norm. I also can say that my sourdough bread seems to be taking off nicely, but it’s taken a while to get there.

I cannot wait to start sharing the starter and loaves, it seems like such an easy way to warm the hearts of those we care about the most.

This weekend I found someone in Nixa with ostrich ferns for sale so Sunday afternoon we took off to purchase beautiful ferns. Ervin, my husband, says he will have the spot ready for them when I get home from work. I also purchased a few bulbs of caladiums; they will be going in a pot about midweek. I’ve never had a great deal of luck raising them, so this will be interesting.

I’m also preparing an arrangement for my mother’s grave which is made of silks, and something fresh and bright for my dad to enjoy. Ervin and I are headed back to Northeast Missouri for Memorial weekend. Phillip will hold the fort down on the home front. We purchased a new traveling Coleman grill so I’m hoping to fix some wonderful steaks this weekend. Then; there’s the hamburgers with Vidalia onions. Dad will probably read this column before I get there, so I best not tell everything I’m up to.

The carrot casserole is simply something ‘different’. It can be pulled together pretty easily, perhaps a great deal done the night before, which is what I always like. This would be good to take to a potluck or carry-in at church. Now, if only the kitchen dishes were all done. Heck, they will be there tomorrow! OK, reach out to someone this week with a smile and a kind word. It’s amazing how wonderful it feels to make someone else’s day.

OK gang, it’s time to set the recipe and chat with you again next week. Simply yours, The Covered Dish.

Cheese Scalloped Carrots

12 medium carrots, peeled and sliced ¼ – ½ inch thick

¼ cup butter

1 small onion, minced

¼ cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon dry mustard

2 cups milk

1/8 teaspoon black pepper or white

¼ teaspoon celery salt

½ pound sharp cheddar cheese, crumbled

3 cups buttered bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pre-cook carrots for 15-20 minutes, drain well. Place butter and minced onion in a medium saucepan and cook 2-3 minutes. Add the flour, salt, mustard and milk. Cook, stirring mixture until nice and smooth; add the celery salt and pepper. In a 2-quart casserole, place a layer of carrots, layer of cheese. Repeat until both are used, ending with carrots on top. Pour on the sauce, top with the crumbs. Bake uncovered 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serves 8 persons

I’m sure some of you would like a different crumb topping, get creative!


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