Appreciation Recognition Given By Morris County 4-H Foundation

Down the Draw


Recognition for support of the 4-H program in Morris County was highlight of the recent Morris County 4-H Foundation Banquet at Council Grove.

Growth in the Morris County 4-H Foundation assistance has been through annual giving with incentive recognitions. Families often designate memorials to the foundation in honor of their lost loved ones who had fond experiences through the 4-H program.

Plaques for 2024 were presented in memory of Kathyrn Cordell, Patron Award; Marylin Andres, Bronze Award; and Don Peterson and Jerry Thomas, Silver Award.

Richard and Phyllis Visser have been longtime supporters of the Morris County 4-H Foundation. Phyllis Visser has continued donations to the group and was awarded the newly established Platinum Award.

Plaques of appreciation for 2024 were presented to those who have given different levels of support.

Patron Award: Ben Moore Studio.

Bronze Award: Phyllis Rhinehart and Delma Boyer.

Silver Award: Jeff & Valerie Woodall, Fred & Gloria Auchard, Kevin & Mary Ann Kniebel, and Burdick Hustlers 4-H Club.

Gold Award: Stacey & Tiffany Lee, TCT Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc., Larry Dike, and Duane & Debbie Blythe.

There is permanent recognition on large plaques displayed in the Morris County Courthouse.

A specially boxed, personalized gavel was presented to Larry Johnson, a retired board trustee of the Morris County 4-H Foundation, in recognition of his having served on the board 24 years and being president for nine of those.

Extension Office personnel Chelsea Bartels and Aleece Priest were recognized with gifts for their assistance to the Morris County 4-H Foundation.

The entertaining program featured Riggin Parker, Willing Workers 4-H Club, who presented a project talk, and Dwight Sunflowers 4-H Club who performed a skit.

Annually, the Morris County 4-H Foundation presents scholarships recognizing achievements of county 4-H club members to further their education. Last year’s recipients were Mark Andres, Carissa Dalquest, Alison Bachura, and Parker Stilwell.

Supported strictly by member donations, the Morris County 4-H Foundation was formed 47 years ago. Financial support is given so more 4-H members can attend camps, leadership seminars, judging competitions, and additional life building opportunities.

All donations to the Morris County 4-H Foundation remain in the county and are used only for Morris County 4-H Club members working “To Make the Best Better.”

Amy Nielsen, Cynthia Schrader, and Frank Buchman were elected to three-year terms as trustees of the Morris County 4-H Foundation. Additional trustees are Rocky Beck, Clay Dalquest, Larry Landgren, and Valerie Woodall.



In attendance receiving recognition at the Morris County 4-H Foundation Banquet were Jeff and Valerie Woodall, Silver Award; Nancy Bradfield, Don Peterson Memorial Silver Award; Larry Johnson, foundation trustee retired after serving 24 years; Jan Troxell, Don Peterson Memorial Silver Award; Vicki Cordell, Kathryn Cordell Memorial Patron Award; Phyllis Visser, Platinum Award; Angie Schwerdtfeger, TCT, Gold Award; and Stacey Lee, Gold Award. (Photo by Aleece Priest.)

A specially boxed, personalized gavel was presented to Larry Johnson, a retired board trustee of the Morris County 4-H Foundation, in recognition of his having served on the board 24 years and being president for nine of those. (Photo by Aleece Priest)


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