KU astronomers will host public observation of partial solar eclipse

Today's News from the University of Kansas


From the Office of Public Affairs | http://www.news.ku.edu

Contact: Brendan Lynch, KU News Service, 785-864-8855, [email protected], @BrendanMLynch
Media advisory: KU astronomers will host public observation of partial solar eclipse Oct. 14
LAWRENCE — The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Kansas invites the public to watch the partial solar eclipse from KU’s Lawrence campus from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 14.
Department telescopes will be set up for safe viewing of the partial solar eclipse just outside Malott Hall’s north side. Malott Hall is located at 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive (view here on Google Maps).
“Solar eclipses, when the moon blocks the sun’s light, are fairly rare,” said Jennifer Delgado, associate teaching professor of physics & astronomy at KU. “We’re lucky that we will have two partial eclipses within a year, both visible here in Lawrence. For a partial eclipse, it’s hard to tell that anything is going on unless you look at the sun with eclipse glasses or a solar telescope. With a telescope, you can see just how much of the sun is being blocked and even see some sunspots. We’re excited to share our telescopes on campus so everyone can safely view this pretty unique sight.”
A similar event, hosted by the Astronomy Associates of Lawrence, will take place in the grassy area near Lawrence Public Library.
“There should be plenty of opportunity for everyone to not miss this,” Delgado said.
For an interview or further information, reporters may email Delgado.


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