Should You Let Turf Grow Tall in the Fall?


Some people believe taller grass in the winter provides insulation for the plant crowns protecting them through freezing temperatures. If this practice provides any benefit
it loses value due to the negative issues that can arise as the tall blades fall over creating a matted environment perfect for winter diseases.

The best practice for preparing turf for winter is provide adequate care and ensure your plants are healthy. This requires action year-round including fertilizing, watering
and mowing. Follow recommendations for the variety of turf you are growing, but overall,
maintaining the proper height throughout the year is best.

Here is a list of the recommended mowing height ranges (in inches) for home lawns in Kansas:
Tall fescue: 2.5 -3.5
Kentucky bluegrass: 2-3
Buffalograss: 2-3
Bermudagrass: 1-2
Zoysiagrass: 1-2
(Note: Mowing at heights below 1.5 inches requires a reel mower).

It may be beneficial to adjust mowing height within these recommendations at specific times. For example, warm-season grasses may be mowed taller during late summer and early fall so they can store more carbohydrates for the winter. It may also help to reduce the occurrence of cool-weather diseases. However, this height is still within the recommendation.

Cynthia Domenghini, Extension Agent


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