The weed questions are coming in to the extension office!

Horticulture News


The weed questions are coming in to the extension office! After the recent rains the different weed types will continue to grow. Herbicides should be used only when necessary and always in conjunction with a good lawn management program. Always read the label directions before using an herbicide. Improper use can result in poor weed control, damage to the turf, and damage to other landscape and garden plants. The user is responsible for any damage that results from not following label directions. Also, it is a violation of state and federal law to use any product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label.

What the Label Will Tell You
• Legal uses and restrictions
• Turfgrasses on which the herbicide can be used
• Weeds controlled
• Rates and when to apply
• Application and safety instructions
• Waiting period before reseeding
• Precautions and environmental hazards
• Proper storage and disposal

Always read and follow label directions. The label is the law!


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