Roger's View from the Hills



Charles M. Schulz


If you have waited this long to shop for Christmas let me give you some advice. We celebrate Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ and giving should be both thoughtful and beneficial for others. I just refuse to buy from China and from big conglomerates. I want to give something that requires a little thought and also is supporting our local, rural, and small artizans and businesses. May I presume to make a few suggestions to you that can put some sanity back into giving?

If you need a big list of Kansas businesses and artizans check out the Kansas Sampler Foundations website. Not only are they putting out emails with lists but there are some nice things that you can buy that are useful and support their work. I think so much of Marci and Wendee and the work that they do that I asked Marci to write the forward on one of my books.

I have been sending gifts for years from my friend Vickie Adrian at Adrian’s Boutique in Buhler. Not only do the women just love what she sells but they can help you decide what to give. Now the store is not open anymore but online and on Facebook but they are still having fun and selling a lot of things that kids and women love.

How about some really good Kansas raised beef? You can give, keep it for yourself, or use it at your feast Maze Ranch Beef is raised here in the Gypsum Hills and you can buy their meat at the Derby Farmers Market and the Medicine Lodge Farmers Market. You can even order quarters, halfs, or whole beef. Their online sales will soon be up and running so you can order and ship anytime. or Facebook. 620-886-5817

Pottery and gifts anyone. Right here in Medicine Lodge is the Makers Mercantile. Handmade pottery and gifts. It is on North Main street or

Going to be near Greensburg? Kook’s Meat Butcher Shop right on the highway. A great meat case, great sausage, hand cut steaks, and have a sandwich while you wait. You can also shop at Main Street Flowers & More while you are there.

Close to Wilson? Wilson Foods has a great meat case and being in the states Chech. community, they make all kinds of that smoked and cured sausages and wurst that I just love. While you are in town there are nice places to eat while you are there. Don’t forget to go up on the I-70 interchange and shop at the Kansas Originals. All things made in Kansas from art to crafts, woodworking, books, you name it. Support Kansas by shopping here.

While you are this close go on up to Lucas. Stop at Brandt’s Meats for the best rope bologna in the state. His smoked sausages are good to and all of their meats. Shop for art in the galleries in town. Stop by and say hi to Mr. Dinsmore while you are there at the Garden of Eden. If it is open stop at the World’s Smallest Museum of the Worlds Largest Things. There is always something new and different in Lucas.

I just ordered some great looking cheese from the Jason Wiebe Dairy at Durham. OK I am not giving it away I just like cheese. You have to get yourself a nice present sometimes. They are not far from old friends of ours from when we were in the dairy business. Homer and Lette Enns used to run the Ho-Ett Dairy north of Hillsboro. Homer has passed but Lette is still making some mouth watering jams and is a great artist. We just don’t get up to visit often enough.

Are you ever near Elk Falls. You have got to stop at the Elk Falls Pottery Shop. It is right on the highway. I drink my milk at breakfast every morning from my Walnut Valley Festival cup with my friend Barry Ward on it. It was made by Elk Falls Pottery. They are working on an online ordering for their site, it is just not up yet. While you are their look at Maud’s Garden. I have the story about Maud and her garden in one of my books. 620-329-4425

There are so many places in Kansas to shop at and if you need more lists go to the Travel Kansa website and hit made in Kansas.

How about a good book? My favorite place is Watermark Books in Wichita. But there are great little independent book shops all over Kansas. You can find my books in most of them. And speaking of my books. I am running my FULL BOAT SPECIAL again this year. You can order KANSAS ODDITIES, ECCENTRIC KANSAS, TRUE TALES OF KANSAS as well as my book of country and cowboy poetry COWBOYS, PLOWBOYS, AND COUNTRY FOLK and I will throw in the Kansas Cowboy CD. I will even pay the shipping. Just send $60 to Roger Ringer, 2261 NE WELL RD., Medicine Lodge, KS. 67104.

But you know Christmas is a coming, get your shopping done now! And BUY KANSAS!


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