Important To Save Information

A Cowboy’s Faith


 For some reason, it’s been lost in space.”

While television watchers recognize certain wording from a popular show of previous days, the familiar phrase applies to computer issues.

When entering a new account with names and contact details the highfalutin computer system would not accept it.

That creates a cringe when maintaining records is so essential to taking care of business now and in the future.

More critical than new information not saved was that old files weren’t lost. Immediate check of all previous data fortunately showed everything to be intact.

It’s awfully easy for a wannabe cowboy to misspell words or push wrong buttons on a newfangled technical apparatus. So, the facts were reentered, and wording came up wondering if there should be changes in what was already there.

Well, “No,” it’s exactly has had been typed in earlier. Still, the important records did not show up on “contacts.”

With aggravation, attempt was made two more times. Sometimes different styles and wording work better than others, but nothing would verify the computer had materials stowed away.

Finally giving up late Friday afternoon, the office engineer was called for help. Fortunately, he answered and was patient as anyone could possibly be with an old naïve wannabe cowboy.

The issue didn’t make any sense to the computer guru either despite numerous attempts with various options. His patience is incomprehensible as every effort imaginable was pursued to figure out the issue.

There were hundreds of ways to see about fixing the problem and he tried every one of them. Eventually, one computer key started a blue circle moving on the screen as numbers ran up by the thousands.

Knowing there weren’t that many names recorded in 12-plus years, only thing to do was wait for results. When number reached 63,495, the computer screen jumped to the contact list. Sure enough the company showed up numerous times as had been entered.

“You’d better turn the computer off and see if they’re not lost again,” the engineer advised. Holding breath, the system was shut down, then opened up and blessed that information was complete.

Oh, for the days of looking in the phone book, calling who is wanted and getting the job done.

Reminded of First Samuel 23:23: “Find out all the hiding places and return with reliable information.”



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