State leader: 4-H activities help youth prepare for college, career



Scholarship deadline is Mar. 1; 75 scholarships available to Kansas youth

MANHATTAN, Kan. – For many youth – especially when they’re very young – 4-H activities may simply seem like a lot of fun as they participate in any of the nearly three dozen project areas.

Taking photographs, building rockets, designing a cabinet, collecting insects, tending to livestock… In Kansas, those are all part of the fun of the state’s largest youth organization.

But Kansas 4-H State Program Leader Wade Weber says those activities are really part of a process to prepare kids for college and a career – two bedrock principles of 4-H involvement.

“Having those ready-made stories and experiences of what you’ve learned along the way are a key component to being able to answer questions as they come up (in job interviews or other life opportunities),” Weber said. “Those experiences are important for youth to pull out of their bag of memories, to be able to talk about the skills they have been learning on the job or in the 4-H program and school, and how it’s going to impact their future career aspirations.”

Weber said part of the payoff of 4-H involvement is on the horizon for many youth. Applications are currently being accepted for 75 scholarships offered through Kansas 4-H.

“We’re very excited about the diverse range of supporters who have either designated certain locales or topical areas they have an interest in as a donor,” Weber said.

“Maybe they’ve had a career in that field and they want to encourage young people to apply for schooling or job training in that field. Or maybe they just believe in the 4-H program, in general, and how it’s encouraging young people to refine those skills into a career applicable area.”

The scholarship application is only available online through the Kansas 4-H office. Weber called the online application “universal” in that it collects the same information regardless of scholarship the individual is applying for, including such documents as a high school transcript, resume and short essay.

“In addition, we are inviting applicants to provide a short video presentation, no more than four minutes long, in which they can explain how 4-H has impacted them,” he said.

The deadline for applications is March 1. More information may also be available through local extension offices in Kansas.

“As a 4-H program, we are glad that we have tremendous support from many donors and alumni who believe in the 4-H program and its mission, and want to continue to encourage 4-H members as they continue to grow and look for ways to contribute in their community,” Weber said. “I think they recognize the 4-H program provides opportunities for youth to apply for scholarships that can help them with the tangible needs associated with career preparedness at an education institution of their choosing.”

Persons interested in donating to or establishing a scholarship fund can contact the Kansas 4-H Foundation office online or by calling 785-775-0123.

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K State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county extension offices, experiment fields, area extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K State campus in Manhattan. For more information, visit K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Story by:
Pat Melgares
[email protected]

For more information:
Wade Weber
[email protected]


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