KDWPT To Offer Free Chronic Wasting Disease Testing For Deer Hunters


EMPORIA – Deer hunters across Kansas can have deer they harvest during the 2020-2021 seasons tested for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) free of charge through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT). KDWPT, in collaboration with the University of Missouri, is undertaking a research project to better understand where CWD is present in Kansas and how the disease spreads. As part of the research project, the cost of CWD testing will be covered for the next three years at a maximum of 450 samples per Deer Management Unit (DMU). Harvest location in the form of GPS coordinates, section Range-Township-Section number, or nearest intersection will be required to receive free testing.

“We’re excited to be able to cover the cost of CWD testing for hunters statewide for the next three years,” said Levi Jaster, KDWPT big game program coordinator. “Hunters will benefit immediately from cost-free test results, but they’ll also benefit long term from better information related to deer herd disease management as a result of this project.”

Hunters can benefit from cost-free CWD testing during the 2020-2021 seasons through one of several options listed below:

Hunters may obtain collection instructions from University of Missouri staff by calling (620) 402-4195 or emailing [email protected]. And, hunters in DMUs 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 19 may receive direct assistance from University of Missouri staff. Simply call or email to make arrangements.
Hunters may drop off samples to their local KDWPT district biologist. See https://ksoutdoors.com/KDWPT-Info/Locations/Administrative-Offices for KDWPT contact information. Hunters may also visit https://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Big-Game-Information/Chronic-Wasting-Disease-CWD/CWD-Collection-Zones for a list of drop-off and sample collection locations.
Hunters may transport their harvested deer head to a participating taxidermist for sample collection. Visit https://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Big-Game-Information/Chronic-Wasting-Disease-CWD/CWD-Collection-Zones for a list of participating taxidermists.
Hunters may utilize a manned voluntary sample collection station on Dec. 2, 4, 5, 11 and 12. See below for locations. Masks and social distancing protocols will be in place at sample stations.
Manned voluntary sample collection stations will be offered at the following locations:

Country Junction

153 US 54

Toronto, KS 66777


Farmer’s Cooperative Association (parking lot)

515 E Maple St.

Columbus, KS 66725


Casey’s Gas Station

915 S. First St.

Hiawatha, KS 66434


Dara’s Fast Lane – Cenex

5321 Tuttle Creek Blvd.

Manhattan, KS 66502


BP Gas Station and Car Wash

2305 South Cedar St.

Ottawa, KS 66067

For more information on CWD in Kansas, visit https://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Big-Game-Information/Chronic-Wasting-Disease-CWD or www.cwdks.com.


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