Census Release – KPA News Release Service- Kansas House Delegation Census


Census Release


Every 10 years, the United States Government sets out to take a complete count of everyone living in the country. Across the country, this count impacts the amount of funding communities receive, how they plan for the future, and also determines representation at the State and Federal levels.


U.S. Census workers and community volunteers are currently working with residents to ensure everyone is counted. As your voices in Washington D.C., we encourage you to participate in the 2020 Census to ensure all Kansans are counted and our communities receive the funding, resources and data they need and deserve.


“The Census is a small way for Kansans, no matter where they live, to have a big impact in their community,” said U.S. Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D. “Our founding fathers realized that the information gleaned by counting the citizens of this great country could help make important decisions regarding where to direct federal funding and how to best support all Americans. Schools, libraries, fire departments, and other vital social services are impacted by information collected by the census, which is why it’s important for every Kansan to participate. Every American counts.”


“In our representative form of government, it’s critical to know where and how many of our citizens live throughout this great nation. To do that, our founders wisely put in place a decennial census to make sure all Americans are counted for fair representation and funding allotments,” said Rep. Estes. “The impact on each Kansas household is great, and we only have one opportunity every 10 years to make sure our voices are heard for the next decade. All Kansans need to be counted.”


“The Census is so much more than a head count – it will determine how much funding Kansas communities receive for critical areas like health care, education, infrastructure and more for the next decade. That’s why it’s so important for Kansans to fill out their census, so our communities can receive the support they need. It only takes a few minutes, but the impact will be felt for years,” said Representative Sharice Davids.


“Critical federal resources that go toward schools, law enforcement, and other community services hinge on the results of a fully completed census. I urge all Kansans to ensure their families are accurately counted by filling out the 2020 census,” said Congressman Steve Watkins


Federal funds, grants, and support to states are based on population totals, which is why participating in the decennial census is so vitally important. When individuals and families respond to the census, it helps communities across Kansas ensure that they receive a fair and equitable share of the billions of dollars Congress provides to infrastructure, community services, and other important programs. The results of the census also help to determine how many seats each state is allocated in the U.S. House of Representatives.


If you have not yet completed your household’s 2020 Census form, it is not too late. You can complete your census by mailing in your questionnaire, via phone at 844-330-2020, or online at 2020census.gov.



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