We Are Going To Die


Roger’s View From The Hills

By Roger Ringer



Sam Levinson”

You just have to feel sorry for those who have no intention of dying. They believe that they can last forever and yet they have only heard of one man that came back from the dead. And they don’t believe that.

People really believe that if you stay home and lose everything that they will live forever. WRONG!

No matter what you do there is an appointed time that you are going to pass on and move to the next great adventure. How depressing is it for those who have no faith at all. Just what are they living for?

When we are  born we start to die. We have a basic time frame that we can expect to live. Unless we do something really stupid or have an unexpected event that cuts our lives short. And I have done some stupid stuff and survived.

We do know that we can effect the lives of other people in ways we did not know. Take the matter of the Governor who ordered infected people to be sent into nursing homes and assisted living centers where the most vulnerable of people live. By his direct and unbelievable actions he condemned thousands to death before their time. What is even worse is that he really does not take responsibility that anyone with walking around sense would never have done.

Then we have the numbers that are played with by officials in order to create an outcome that they want rather than just telling the truth about.

The numbers have been so skewed that we may never figure out who was killed by the virus or just died with the virus. But leave it to politicians to try and use fear to remake our country as they see fit.

The degree of out and out power grabbing is proof positive that as a Republic we are in danger of losing everything that we have built in the last 200+ years.

As it is now we are leaving huge debt for the next 3 generations and the danger that the rights granted by God have been preempted by politicians. We just have a few months to find out if the term ‘Comrade’ is going to be permanent.

When we finally get to the other side we will find out what was truly important.


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