Exploring Kansas Outdoors
By Steve Gilliland
At the upcoming Kansas Dept of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Commissioner’s virtual meeting on June 25th, a new proposal will be discussed that, if passed, would allow coyotes to be hunted at night using lights, night vision and thermal imaging gear. Coyotes can presently be hunted at night year-round, but without lights or any other equipment. KDWPT furbearer biologist Matt Peak says “Most other Midwest states allow this activity in some form with apparently no more legal or safety issues than other types of hunting, and pressure from hunters, and in some cases livestock producers for us to allow this has really grown in recent years.” The proposal will include the following options:
- Allowing the use of artificial lights, night vision and thermal imaging equipment for hunting coyotes ONLY, no other furbearers like bobcats and fox.
- Season dates for use of this equipment would be January 1 – March 31.
- Use of this equipment would not be allowed from a vehicle.
- Use of this equipment would be prohibited on department lands and waters, including Walk-In Hunting (WIHA) properties.
- A $2.50 permit would be required initially so the department can learn more about the demand and frequency of use.
For a complete June 25 meeting agenda and specific instructions on how to participate virtually in that meeting visit ksoutdoors.com/KDWPT-Info/Commission/Past-and-Future-Meetings/June-25-2020. If this proposal interests or concerns you, please try to participate in the virtual meeting and make your opinion heard.
We all love acronyms, abbreviations used to identify things; heck the world practically runs on acronyms. Well, here’s your Kansas Outdoors acronym for the week; “HABs,” short for Harmful Algae Blooms. Yup, as the long, hot days of summer besiege us again, its Blue / Green Algae season in Kansas. Blue / Green Algae season in Kansas unfortunately contains the three holidays when our lakes are used the most, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
When KDHE receives notice from anyone that a harmful algae bloom is noticed or suspected, they take water samples at the most frequently used locations at the site, such as swim beaches and boat docks. The samples are analyzed, and according to the density of the algae found, either a Public Health Watch or a Public Health Warning is issued for that water impoundment.
Currently only Public Health Watches, meaning conditions are right for harmful algae blooms to occur, are in effect at the following:
Cheney Lake in Reno, Kingman and Sedgwick counties, the Gathering Pond at Milford in Geary County, Kanapolis Lake in Ellsworth county, Marion County Lake in Marion County, Perry Lake Zone “D” in Jefferson County and the Rock Garden pond in Shawnee County. These Public Health Watches mean direct contact with the water at these locations is discouraged.
Health effects can occur when surface scum or water containing high levels of blue-green algal toxins are swallowed or have contacted the skin, or when airborne droplets containing toxins are inhaled while swimming, boating or skiing. Most people report the effects as “allergic” type reactions like intestinal or respiratory problems or skin irritations. Animal reactions may range from general weakness and lethargy, to vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or even convulsion.
Sorry to say that health warnings at area lakes because of toxic algae blooms will probably get more numerous before they get better. So, I guess your options are to sell the boat, skis and fishing poles, or just drive a little farther to a lake where no warnings exist, and continue to Explore Kansas Outdoors!
Steve can be contacted by email at [email protected].