Crops are in focus at May 22 field day in Parsons


Day starts with complimentary breakfast and tour of 41 wheat variety plots

PARSONS, Kan. – Parsons is the place to be on May 22 for southeast Kansas crop producers looking for information on how the latest varieties performed and research on crop production for that part of the state.

The 2018 Spring Crops Field Day, hosted by Kansas State University’s Southeast Research and Extension Center, 25092 Ness Road, will start with registration and breakfast compliments of numerous sponsors, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

The program will follow, featuring topics and presenters:

  • Tour of Wheat Variety Plots (41 varieties) – Alan Fritz, K-State wheat breeder; Lonnie Mengarelli, K-State research assistant; and seed company representatives.
  • Timing of Side-Dress Applications of Nitrogen for Corn Grown in Different Tillage Systems – Dan Sweeney, K-State soil and water management agronomist.
  • Grain Market Outlook – Dan O’Brien, K-State extension agricultural economist.
  • Managing Root Diseases in Soybean – Chris Little, K-State plant pathologist.

    In case of rain, the program will be held indoors. More information is available by calling 620-421-4826.


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