I  Remember We SPRING into action!



            Awaking early this morning to the welcome sound of pitter patter on the street, I knew in my heart that Spring will come on schedule tomorrow morning and we will all do what we started with the time change a few days ago…SPRING…into action.


            First , however, I would like to correct a mistake I made in my last column when I mentioned a young couple and their family speaking at our Young at Heart group tomorrow morning,  March 29, getting ready and raising money to go to Turkey with their little children. They will  live among the people and show them their love for them by example and from the  Bible which is the only book that has stood the test of tome


         Come down to the Delos Smith Center at 101 West First by 10 a.m.  on Thursday,  March 29, and enjoy a couple of  very special young people tell you what’s on their agenda.


            We had a surprise speaker at our Young at Heart meeting this last Thursday. Our scheduled one couldn’t make it so our chairman, Ron Ogle, asked a new visitor, a local pastor, Ryan Raigoza. if he would speak. He did a tremendous job and we hope to hear him again. If you want to make a morning of it, come as early as 8:3o or 9 and go to the Middle Activity Room and hear Phyllis Hopper and Cello Quartet

At ten, go to the meeting room and enjoy the young couple I mentioned earlier, Isaac and Hannah. What a great morning we’ll have!



            In a world where the threads  of hate are often seen because of selfish desires, there really is a hope for our state, our nation, and yes, our world.  We have seen love in action even though much of the reporting of our newscasts is to the contrary.

If we look, we see it all around us and can see it in many forms…from the little child to the basketball player, to the ones growing older and older and finding getting around in life is getting harder all the time.


            Many times when I taught  children in Good News Club, Child Evangelism. Sunday School and Children’s Church or Camp or Bible School,  I could see the little one’s expressions and knew they were observing what I wanted them to see. The compassion on their innocent face when someone got hurt at play or didn’t understand something important/. You could certainly tell whether they understood

or not. When they are young, that is the time to teach them Bible truths and they will believe it with all their heart.


            On the other hand John and I watched some of the Basketball Tournament in the last two weeks to cheer on our favorites . It was gratifying to see a player from the opposing team help another one up when it was needed or something else as noble.


            When one of our favorite teams was scheduled for Friday night, John and I determined to watch, especially since we read a prediction for a win. It didn’t take long to see which team would stop at no length to win and they didn’t care what they had to do…faking a foal or whatever. By the end of the game, I could hardly stand it.  By that time. however, the refs had caught on and took a lot of time outs to review the calls.  Needless to say, our team’s “being fair” concept eventually won our team the game .Our team had played well…honestly and fairly and I thanked God for that!   Life is much more precious when its lived in a Godly way with the right directions!  This last Friday night, we let ourselves get into one of the very important games of the tournament and even though it got very late, we watched till they won…in a wholesome way.


           Our lawn care guy came by to put some fertilizer on the yard and hubby went to the door. He sounded so enthused as he pushed the spreader across the yard.             It was energizing just to watch him help us get ready for Spring again.


            I am sure our block has the best neighbors in the country…or the world for that matter.  The other day we watched our newer neighbor across the street and his family cleaning up their yard for spring. Later, we glimpsed someone picking up some of the fallen branches under the tree in our yard and it gave us a most wonderful   w.


            Wouldn’t it be fun to do a little experiment this Spring? Let’s do what our young couple, Isaac and  Hannah do, let’s make sure first of all, we’re in fellowship with God so rhe channels are open, then let’s be on the look out for ways to help each other and SPRING INTO ACTION!




By Doris Schroeder



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