Three Things You Should Know About Fad Diets And Bad Breath


Fad diets gain popularity because they let you shed pounds quickly, but health professionals warn they often come with side effects, such as fatigue, nausea, headaches, constipation and dehydration.
One additional side effect that doesn’t get as much attention, though, is this: They can cause bad breath.

“Dehydration is the key symptom related to fad diets that can result in halitosis,” says Dr. Harold Katz, a dentist, bacteriologist and developer of TheraBreath Dry Mouth Oral Rinse and Lozenges (

“When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t produce as much saliva. When you have less saliva, bacteria growth increases and causes bad breath.”
Katz suggests a few things worth knowing about fad diets and their effect on your breath:

•    Fasting. When you fast – or follow a similar fad diet that focuses on consuming a single food or beverage – you’re more likely to become dehydrated, Katz says. “If you’re determined to continue fasting, just make sure you’re still drinking enough water to stay hydrated every day,” he says. “This will not only contribute to fresh breath, but will also contribute to your overall wellness.”
•    Ketosis. Ketosis is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet that promises quick weight loss if you eat less than 20 grams of carbs in a single day, according to Environmental Nutrition. “It’s true that you can lose weight quickly through ketosis – which is the state your body going into when it doesn’t have enough carbs to feed off of – but you’re not improving your health,” Katz says. “Plus, halitosis can occur as a result of the chemicals released in the body to burn fat.”
•    Protein shakes. Some people attempt to lose weight by replacing meals with protein shakes. The Mayo Clinic reports that indeed can help reduce calories, which can lead to weight loss. But if you replace too many regular meals with the shake, you end up missing on the nutritional benefits of whole foods. “That’s not all,” Katz says. “Protein and dairy can cause your breath to smell. You should brush your teeth and use an oral rinse right after you drink a protein shake, or at the very least drink some water afterward to rinse out your mouth.”
Instead of relying on a fad diet to lose excess pounds, Katz says, focus on changing your lifestyle habits as a whole.

“If you exercise regularly and follow a well-balanced diet that’s loaded with nutrients from fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains, you can give your body the fuel it needs to thrive and maintain a healthy weight,” he says. “And your breath won’t be as likely to go rancid.”

About Dr. Harold Katz
Dr. Harold Katz ( of TheraBreath Dry Mouth Oral Rinse and Lozenges, received his degree in bacteriology from UCLA and is the founder of The California Breath Clinics and author of The Bad Breath Bible. He has been featured on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CBS’s “Early Show” and “The View” with Barbara Walters and countless other TV shows. Dr. Katz has developed oxygenating compounds that have been used by millions around the world to eliminate bad breath. He is also the bearer of the now famous “Halimeter,” which tests the sulfur compounds in the mouth that cause bad breath. Dr. Katz’ website offers a free online bad breath test – as well as a sneaky way to tell someone they have halitosis.,


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