The Covered Dish: Egg Strata



There are recipes in our lifetimes that we will memorize over the years; due to the frequency in which they are used.  This week I’m including a very simple ‘Egg Strata’, which will be extremely useful.  As always, a bit of twisting and turning can flip this simple recipe into a seasonal dish.

As we look forward to spring, ham, asparagus and mushrooms come to mind.


Before our son, Phillip, was born I made this dish on many Sunday mornings.  Everything could be prepped in advance and then you just stirred it up while you were brewing a pot of Joe.  A bowl of fresh fruit and the meal is complete.  For some reason I stopped making this dish in the last few years.  Every new bride or apartment dweller needs a recipe of this nature to rely upon.


Some may think I’m a bit out in left field, (ha, what’s new) but this strata could even become a Reuben strata or a Philly strata.  I can’t believe it, we just received a phone call and there’s no school tomorrow.  Oh my goodness, we’re going to be in school til’ June!

On the plus side I’m making this casserole for breakfast in the morning.  And the entire dish will be made in advance so our son can bake it when he gets up.


A few weeks ago a friend introduced me to a new gadget called a ‘frother’.  I don’t think I mentioned this last week?  This is an inexpensive item that will make you think a coffee genie prepared your java.  This is especially nice for folks who use cream in their coffee.  Pour the cream into the mug and with the battery operated ‘frother’, whip the cream.  Warm the cream in the microwave before pouring in the hot coffee.  Gently stir and you’ll think the local barista prepared a fresh latte at your home.  This would also be a nice trick to use while making a cup of homemade cocoa or cappuccino.  There are also a huge number of alcoholic drinks that could benefit from the use of a ‘frother’.  If you loved the old Orange Julius from days past, try making one with the ‘frother’.


Where to purchase?  Lots of stores carry them.  Just make sure you don’t over-invest.  Around $10 is the normal cost of this small product.

Get on line and research, I’m sure there’s a store near you that carries this delightful little tool.


I made an unexpected trip to Northeast Missouri this past week for the burial of our cousin, Jack Primm, of Lewistown.  It was a difficult time for everyone involved.  The only upside was the fact that I got to see my folks and a few friends and family in the process.  My furry companion, ‘Rumor’ kept me company, on the journey.


Next week I hope to run my new chocolate zucchini cake recipe that we enjoyed over Super Bowl Weekend.  Enjoy the week and good luck getting all the chores done on the home front.


Simply yours, The Covered Dish.


Egg Strata for 4

4 eggs

4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese (or your favorite)

3 slices cubed bread

8 ounces cooked & drained sausage

1 cup milk

1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

Salt and pepper to taste


Vegetable Spray and a 1-quart baking dish

Whisk eggs in bowl; follow with each ingredient, mixing after each addition.  Pour into a one-quart baking dish sprayed with vegetable spray.  Cover and let set overnight in refrigerator, or you can also bake immediately.  Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven.  Cook until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.  I would estimate this will be somewhere around 40-45 minutes.  I like the top to be a bit golden in hue.  Remember if it is jiggly it’s not set.


Additions:  onions, peppers, tomatoes, green onions, leek, ham, asparagus, mushrooms or olives, just get creative!




Debbie Dance Uhrig


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