Seniors and caregivers throughout Kansas are invited to saddle up for the 2017 Sunflower Fair Tues., Sept. 19 —the premier health and wellness event for seniors and caregivers in the heartland of Kansas. The Fair with its western theme happens at the Tony’s Pizza Events Center (formerly the Bicentennial Center), 800 The Midway in Salina.
The annual event features a full day of information and fun for seniors and caregivers and is sponsored by the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) with support from the Flint Hills Foundation for Older Kansans, EVCO, Eagle Communications and other sponsors. More than 750 people attended last year’s event.
“We invite all Kansans who want to celebrate many more happy birthdays to our Sunflower Fair–it’s great fun and the day is packed with useful, practical information in workshops, exhibitors and expert speakers and a sit-down lunch,” said Julie Govert Walter, NC-FH AAA Executive Director.
“This year’s ‘Fest of the West!’ theme is a tribute to the rough and tumble early days on the prairie—times that built a big part of our state’s character and strength,” Walter said. The Fair’s theme also celebrates the 150th Anniversary of the Chisholm Trail, the founding of Ellsworth and anniversaries of several Kansas communities.
Call 800-432-2703 to register. Cost is $20 before Sept 11. Details are also at Registrations may also be mailed to the Area Agency on Aging, 401 Houston St., Manhattan, KS 66502.
Besides keynote speakers, and exhibits, attendees may choose from an array of workshops that are scheduled in the morning and afternoon. Workshop topics include “Ways to Control Medication Costs,” “Food is Medicine,” “Crafting Your Will,” and “Mind Your Money” about foiling fraudsters and scammers. A line dancing workshop is also planned. Health screenings happen throughout the day provided by exhibitors and also the Kansas Lions Club Mobile Unit. The Kansas Veterans Mobile Unit will also assist veterans with applying for benefits.
The festivities also include a banquet luncheon with recognition of honorees selected by counties in the NC-FH AAA region, prize drawings and the Sunflower Antique Tractor Show. While exhibit space is still available, space is limited Walter said.
A talk show on health care issues in Kansas featuring Tom Bell, President of the Kansas Hospital Association, and Sheldon Weisgrau, Director of the Health Reform Resource Project is part of the event’s morning line up.
Also, the Fair’s Silent and Live Auctions will include autographed sports items, handmade crafts, baskets with county goodies, wellness memberships and other items. Auction proceeds support services for seniors and family caregivers. The Agency is still accepting auction donations.
Bus transportation to the event is available along an I-70 Route, however, space is limited. Those interested should call 785-776-9294 for details.
Registration costs $20 before Sept. 11 and includes a sit-down lunch. On-site registration after Sept. 11 is $25.
To register in advance or for more details visit or call the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging at 800-432-2703. Registrations may also be mailed to the Area Agency on Aging, 401 Houston St., Manhattan, KS 66502.