A Cowboy’s Faith: Blessings Of The Rain

By Frank J. Buchman

“Rain makes the grass grow.”

That’s good from every regard, way better than the opposite.

“When have the crops looked any better in the second week of August?”

Appreciating the sufficient rains on the home front, another rancher just 30 miles down the highway instantly contradicted. “We really do need a rain.”

Weather analysis not particularly disgruntled or even disagreeing always brings comment.

It depends on locale, certainly. A field just down the road from another might have a bumper crop, compared to mediocrity.

Semblance, overall majority of crops appear lush driving by, but it’s not always the accurate picture.

Several days earlier when temperature exceeded 100-degrees, curling plant leaves were most apparent. Yields undoubtedly hampered, although difficult to calculate extent.

Date of planting has direct influence on grain in the bin. Date of rains, temperature during stage of growth, it’s all left up to the power of nature. Just a few days make the difference between profits, loss.

Native grass in most pastures seen daily truly is stirrup high on a 16-hand horse. Even those intensely grazed generally have comeback of lush green ample to turn more cattle out.

As importantly, ponds are full, many overflowing the spillway. Creeks running, as draws and wet weather seeps supply water, too.

Depending when and where, tame hay tonnage set records, as other was reported average, even low.

Most prairie hay is in the barn, of highest quality, and higher production than average. That still in the meadow will likely approach all-time high yields, with quality not too bad for harvest tardiness.

Farmers always have to complain about something. City slickers are shouting even louder. “I’ve mowed this lawn 19 times, and it needs mowed again now.”

A well-groomed yard is important first impression of a ranch. The lawn grows just as fast in the country as in town. But, there’s a lot more to mow when one tries to keep the entire highway frontage clipped.

Fortunately, the riding mower has an enthusiastic operator. Still causes tiresomeness and even body pain with so much repetition.

Add to it, personal prejudice is weeds and grass shortened under publicly-viewed fencerows. Grandson coerced for that task with large stipend, and heavy prod.

Reminds Psalm 147.8: “He covers the heavens with clouds, prepares rain for the earth and makes plants grow.”




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