2017 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School


May. 10-11, 2017. South Central Experiment Field, Hutchinson, KS.



Day 1 Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Speaker Credit
9:00 Registration, coffee and doughnuts
9:10 Welcome, Introduction
9:30-12:30 Wheat growth and development R. Lollato / S. Duncan CP
9:30-12:30 Dual-purpose wheat management D. Marburger / B. Arnall (OSU) CP
9:30-12:30 Disease identification and management E. DeWolf PM and 1A
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Kansas Wheat Commission Update A. Harries  
1:30-4:40 Weed identification K. Donnelly PM and 1A
1:30-4:30 Weed management D. Peterson PM and 1A
1:30-4:30 Wheat fertility management D. Ruiz-Diaz/A.J. Foster NM
Day 2 Thursday, May 11, 2017 Speaker Credit
8:00 Coffee and doughnuts    
8:30-11:30 Wheat entomology update J. Whitworth/H. Martin PM and 1A
8:30-11:30 Wheat breeding and new technologies A. Fritz CP
8:30-11:30 Summer cover crops in wheat production systems D. Presley / P. Tomlinson SW
11:30-12:30 Managing N with precision agriculture R. Asebedo NM
12:30-1:30 Lunch    
1:30 Wrap-Up/Adjourn


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