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America Saves Week is February 27–March 4

Story source: Brenda Procter, M.S., Associate Extension Professor, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension; Written by: Debbie Johnson, Senior Writer, University of Missouri Cooperative Media Group

Money is so easy to spend; it slips through fingers like water. Even with the best intentions to put a little money aside every month, we often find there’s nothing left when the month comes to a close.

But saving doesn’t have to be hit-or-miss. There are simple tricks that can help you pay yourself first. A great place to start is with your annual income tax refund. You can use some or all of it to start on the road to a lifetime of saving…

For helpful tips to start saving, see the full version of this article athttp://missourifamilies.org/features/financearticles/cfe67.htm


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