Farm Profit Seminars Set In Four Communities


The latest information to profitability in agriculture will be presented at four upcoming seminars.

“Hugely successful the past eight years, the WIBW Radio Farm Profit Seminars are designed to provide Kansas farmers and livestock producers with concise and accurate outlook information for this year,” according to Kelly Lenz, longtime WIBW farm director.

Coordinated in cooperation with local County Extension agents, seminars are set February 8, Hillsboro; February 23, Overbrook; March 8, Paola; and March 22, Washington.

“These evening seminars are fast paced with hands-on agriculture market information, the latest weather outlook and crop-livestock production information,” explained Lenz, who developed each of the unique programs.

Doors for each session will open at 5:30, when producers will arrive to view the many exhibits of program sponsors.

A supper, compliments of those sponsors, will begin at 6 o’clock, and the program gets underway about 6:45.

Supper reservations are required through the County Extension Offices, or by emailing [email protected].

Sponsorships are still available for each location as well including WIBW Prime Ag Time advertising, advance promotion posters, live read sponsorship recognition, seminar booth, name on program, introduction and opportunity to give away a door prize in the public drawing.


Kelly Lenz

WIBW Radio

Farm Director



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