Kansas Water Authority Meeting in Topeka


The Kansas Water Authority (KWA) will meet Tuesday, January 25 at the Ramada Inn Convention Center, Downtown Topeka, 420 E 6th Street, Topeka, Kan. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m.

On Tuesday, January 24, the KWA as well as representatives from each of the 14 Regional Advisory Committees will be meeting with Legislators. KWA Chairman Gary Harshberger will deliver testimony presenting the 2017 Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature at related House and Senate Committee meetings. The Kansas Water Office will be hosting a booth in the Capitol Building Rotunda highlighting priority water issues and the Kansas Water Vision implementation.

For additional meeting information visit the Kansas Water Office (KWO) website, www.kwo.org or call (785) 296-3185 or (888) 526-9283 (KAN-WATER).

If accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, please notify the KWO at least five working days prior to the meeting.


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