TEST ALL THINGS – Climate change or Climate chicanery?


by Sandra Coleman

If you have ever been called a “Climate Change Denier,” here is a little factual ammunition. Although climate always changes, and some change is man-made, no rational basis exists on which to base any major policy changes. The best estimate of complying with the Paris Climate Treaty issued last year would cost 1 to 2 trillion a year from 2030 to the end of the century. The result? “The average global temperature by 2100 would be .017 degrees lower than if no changes were enacted: a lower degree that would have no effect on human beings or the eco system, yet cost 70 to 140 trillion dollars” according to Dr. Cal Beisner, national spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

All climate change alarmism is based on data from computer models: models estimating the future temperature based on models estimating the future emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, models estimating the future fossil fuels and other energy sources, models estimating the future economic development around the world. And these models have not proven to be accurate, running hot. The actual total warming recorded in reality have been 1/2 to 1/3 of what these models are predicting. General warming has stalled .8 to 1 degree celsius total warming since 1850. Co2 has not risen enough to do any damage. Warming occurred in 2016 after El Nino; La Nina in 2017 cooled us down. From 1997 to the present, no significant warming has occurred. Nature herself accounts for most climate changes.

The trillions of dollars could be better spent to provide pure drinking water, sewage sanitation, housing and electricity for the poor. All of Africa, with the exception of South Africa, uses less electricity than a single small town in Australia. Many of the poor must use wood or dried dung for cooking. Such smoke kills 2 to 4 million a year. And what are we telling the poor countries? You cannot have an industrial revolution.

Abundant reliable electricity for them would come mainly from fossil fuels. Poverty is a far graver threat than global warming. Droughts around the world, extreme weather is real, but science has not made a definitive man-made connection. Read  Beisner’s book, “Where Garden Meets Wilderness.” Then prepare to face the name callers with a healthy skepticism and factual artillery.   Also check out CornwallAlliance.org 

photo credit – Bill Harrison **


  1. Yes, if these people really cared about suffering and people as they claim they would see the wiser use of the money as you state, unfortunately the real goal is to gather more power, control, and money for themselves. The suffering they inflict in the process is of no consequence to them, perhaps even – they find pleasure in the pain they inflict. Thank you for standing for TRUTH.


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