Biology Textbook Hoax


by Sandra Coleman

It appears that our intuitions were right all along. The truth that invention demands insight we have always known. Then along came Darwin’s theory of evolution. And we let good scientific theory quench our natural instincts. But was it really good scientific theory? Recently at the prestigious Royal Society meeting in London where highly regarded scientists gathered, a well kept secret reared its dusty head, creating controversy among the most brilliant minds who, by their probing theories on human origin, regularly mold our minds and hearts. It appears the phase “explanatory defects in neo-Darwinism evolutionary theory” unsettled the atmosphere a bit. Translated, the phrase refers to the fact that natural selection and random mutation are not the powerful things that Darwin had thought they were. The question has always been obvious: how did structures in living creatures develop when the living creature had no need for the structure prior to that in its evolutionary chain? Research on single protein molecules and enzymes has uncovered the ruse.  Proteins and enzymes, it appears, cannot invent new three dimensional shapes that do new functions, nor can they even take an existing shape and recast it for a new function. The group-think explanation, of course, is to insist that modern enzymes are so perfected by natural selection that they no longer evolve. So we have a new theory which is a set of ideas about things that no longer exist, something you cannot go into the lab and test…a theory taken out of the realm of testable, observable, a theory that does not qualify as a scientific theory anymore. If you cannot apply evolution to molecules, the same rule applies to larger organisms. To do science with integrity, we must be willing for all hypotheses to be refuted. At the royal meeting,  some evolutionary scientists were heard to concede the flaws in the theory, their misgivings, only at break time, where no microphones could record their break with the ranks. Evidently, science is a social phenomena, fueled by peer pressure, politics and egos.  And our children reap the consequences through the indoctrination of biology textbooks. For more information, read Douglas Axe’s  “Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed.” To quote microbiologist Douglas Axe, “All living creatures, from single celled cynanobacteria to orca whales and human beings, are brilliantly conceived, utterly beyond the reach of accident.”


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