Whole Farm Revenue Protection


Center for Rural Affairs is conducting free webinars on Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP), a crop insurance option that requires crop and livestock diversity in order to qualify. The first two webinar series, focusing on specialty crop operations and commodity crop operations, were both huge successes, with over 100 individuals participating in at least one of the four webinars so far.

The final webinars in this series will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 14th and focus on livestock production; one for producers and one for insurance agents. All are welcome to attend, there is no cost to participate. If you know someone who might be interested, we hope you’ll share this information with them.

11 a.m to 12 noon CST: for producers. Register here.
12 noon to 1 p.m. CST: for insurance agents. 
Register here.

Both farmers and crop insurance agents are pretty familiar with crop insurance for commodity crops. However, many diversified farms and ranches also incorporate livestock production into their operations.

There is now a crop insurance product for these diversified operations as well, available everywhere in the country. It’s called Whole Farm Revenue Protection.   

And the final two Center for Rural Affairs free webinars on how Whole Farm Revenue Protection can be applied to ranches and farms with livestock will be on on Wednesday, Dec. 14: one for producers and one for insurance agents. Whole Farm Revenue Protection is only available for livestock operations with less that $1 million in expected revenue from livestock.

Scott Marlow of Rural Advancement Foundation International and crop insurance expert Clifton Parker will share their knowledge and expertise on how Whole Farm Revenue Protection works and how to apply it to ranches and farms with livestock.

11 a.m to 12 noon CST: for producers. Register here.
12 noon to 1 p.m. CST: for insurance agents. 
Register here.

Photo credit: Nicholas A. Tonelli


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