Life’s Treasures (Part 2)



By: Tonya Stevenson

The last two weeks have been a rollercoaster, but the roller coaster’s gone over the moon.

Last Sunday Taylor withdrew and quit communicating by nods or hands.  He was obviously hurting and thrashed continually.   As Tennie stated, “Eyes are open, but nobody’s home.”  Amazingly, she always said it with a soft smile, an encouragement for everyone else.

Thursday evening Taylor was especially agitated and thrashing.  He turned on his side.  Tennie got down on her knees putting her face right in front of him.

“Taylor, you can’t do this on your own.  You are going to have to take strength from God or you won’t make it,”she told her crushed husband.

Taylor let out a great sigh, gradually he seemed to relax, and then rested.

The next morning he was again agitated and thrashing.  Tennie repeated the same words she had spoken the night before.  This time he seemed to relax immediately.  Later that morning he spoke his first words in more than two weeks since the motorcycle wreck.

He told the doctor, “My lower back hurts.”  (He has three fractures along his spine, one in his neck area, and two down his back.)  With the very real concerns of both brain trauma and lack of oxygen, this was huge.

The texts flew, and musical phones circled through the large group of Taylor’s family and friends as we celebrated those first “profound words.”

Well this morning, Saturday, Tennie walked into the room with another girl whom Taylor recognized instantly, and he said,” Hi.”   He then spotted Tennie’s coffee cup and asked her, “What’s in that?

“Coffee,” Tennie answered.

“I want some.” Taylor stated.  He has been fed only with a feeding tube.

“You aren’t allowed to have coffee yet, besides it’s hotter than you like.” Tennie informed.

“It is not negotiable.  I want some.”  Taylor demanded.

Tennie laughed, “Sorry Hun, you are not winning this one. You are not allowed coffee.”

A nurse hurried in throwing questions at Taylor.   What is your name, age, birthdate, how many kids, their names?  Matter-a- factly, Taylor answered the first questions; but when she asked the ages of his children, he balked, demanding a drink of water before he’d answer another question.

Later he told Tennie, “I don’t know what happened, but I am pretty hung over.”

Needless to say, we are all over the moon, praising God for his wonderful goodness and mercy to us yet, again.  Also, thanks to all of you who joined us in prayer.

Would God still have been good if Taylor had suffered severe brain damage or died?  Without a doubt!  We can’t begin to phantom the many hundreds and thousands of times has God spared us and our loved ones dire consequences?  Not to mention that the Bible tells us “to die in Christ is gain.”   It is only we left behind who sorrow.  Even in our darkest griefs, and trials, He is working for us.  The question is …  will we be open to see, and accept it … or will we harden our hearts in unbelief?  Honestly, I confess, I have done the latter many times.

Our lives are not a happen chance.  God numbers the very hairs on our head. (Matt.10:30)

Tennie was the one in the eye of this storm with the most hanging in the balance.

Taylor is her husband, the father of their small children.  This young woman stood a picture of serene grace and resilient strength.  Last Sunday as I watched visitor after visitor struggle to maintain composure… Tennie’s smile never faded.

As I spoke to her later, she told me how many people were telling her how God is really touching their lives though this.  She said, “I can’t believe how He is using this for so many others.”

I thought, “It is amazing how He is gracing and strengthening you, Ten.”

She herself has already walked through many sanctifying fires, for such a tender age.  It is obvious she has allowed God to use them to build her faith, not destroy it.

Someday, God willing, I’ll tell you a couple of those other stories of how God is turning a frail pixie faced girl into steel for his glory.

Today, I would just ask you to join us in rejoicing and praise to The Father of Mercies, our Great Physician.


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