Ten ways to make corn on the cob

  1. Always start with fresh-picked, locally grown sweet corn.  Husk corn and remove the silk.  Place corn in pot of unsalted, boiling water and return to boiling.  Turn off heat and let sit for 5 minutes.  Do not let corn sit in hot water for more than 10 minutes.
  2. If you are cooking sweet corn for a large group who won’t be eating at the same time, boil corn in the husks.  The corn can be kept in the water longer without getting mushy.*
  3. Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 cup of white sugar in the pot of boiling water.  Add husked corn and boil for 8 minutes.  Remove from water and let cool a little.  Enjoy!
  4. Preheat oven to 350º  Place unhusked corn directly on the oven rack.  Roast for 25-30 minutes.  Remove from oven and peel back the husks to eat.
  5. Leave husks on corn.  Place two ears in the microwave.  Cook on HIGH for 4-6 minutes.  Let stand for 2-3 minutes.   Peel back the husks.*
  6. Heat grill to medium-high heat.  Soak ears of unhusked corn in cold water for 15 minutes.  Place ears on grill.  Cook ears for 15 minutes, turning regularly.  Husks and silk will char but corn will be delicious.
  7. Husk and clean corn.  Wash ears in cold water.  Take a large sheet of aluminum foil.  Smear foil with butter.  Sprinkle on salt and pepper.  Wrap corn in foil.  Place in 350º oven for 15 minutes.  Unwrap and serve with more butter or seasoning as desired.
  8. Husk and clean corn.  Wet a paper towel with water and wrap around ear of corn.  Microwave on HIGH for 90 seconds for one ear, 2 1/2 minutes for two.
  9. Peel back the husks and remove the silk.  Brush the corn with olive oil.  Replace the husks back on the cob.  Hold in place with a little aluminum foil.  Place on grill and cook as above.
  10. Elotes (Mexican Street Corn).  Mix 1/2 cup of mayonnaise, 1T lime juice, and 1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro in a bowl and refrigerate until later.  Cook corn on grill or oven as above.  Slather cooked corn with mayonnaise mixture.  Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and a little chile powder.  Serve with lime wedges.

*EASY WAY to Husk/Silk cooked sweet corn: Leave husks and silk on corn.  Boil or microwave corn as above.  With a sharp knife, cut about 3/4″ off the stalk-end of the ear.  With an oven mitt or cloth, squeeze the ear of corn from the cut end.  The ear will slide out the other end withou husks or silk!  Enjoy!


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